O ' C O N N O R  +  S H A N A H A N  A R C H I T E C T S
U s

Y o u 

e t c .               

    H o m e      S t u d i o         P o r t f o l i o         C o n t a c t

We can advise you on the design of a new house, extension or renovation from inception to the completion of the project.

 We can help you with choosing the right site, procurement method, appropriate construction type.

 We can assist you with the interior design aspects, selection of furniture and choice of colours and materials.

 We can advise you on ways of improving the energy consumption of your new or existing home and also ways of reducing the carbon footprint of a proposed new build, extension or renovation.


You are welcome to contact us about all types of projects small or large, new or old, inside and outside.

You can receive advice from us about all aspects of your project from initial design to the completed building on site.

You can draw on our vast knowledge and experience gained through our time designing, detailing and monitoring the construction of buildings.